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Protect Your Estate By Utilising A Professional Will Writing Service

We can refer you to a specialist third party called HL Wills who will make sure that the things you’ve worked hard for; your home and your wealth are protected, to ensure that the people you love are looked after when you’ve gone.

Wills & Estate Planning

Professional Will Writing Services are offered through HL Wills, who help ensure that the things you've worked hard for, your home and your wealth are protected to ensure that the people you love are looked after when you've gone.


We're Here to Help You

We can refer you to a specialist third party called HL WIlls.

Storing Your Will

Storing Your Will

Your Will and associated documents such as Lasting Power of Attorney are among the most important you will ever arrange. Keeping them safe, secure and somewhere that your family and friends know about is absolutely essential.

Property Trusts

Property Trusts

A ‘PT’ specifically deals with a house that is owned solely, i.e. by one person. It protects the interest of any nominated Beneficiaries while at the same time protecting the residential interest of any long-term partners, new spouses etc.

Life Insurance Trust

Life Insurance Trust

Writing a life insurance policy in trust can help your family avoid a big tax bill on the payout they receive. Find out how life insurance is taxed, and how to set up your policy to avoid it.

Protected Property Trusts

Protected Property Trusts

The ‘PPT’ specifically deals with the house you own. Most properties are owned ‘jointly’ and simply pass to the surviving partner upon your death. As that partner then owns the property solely, it is theirs absolutely; it is considered theirs by law and they can do what they want with it. This is an enormous risk as the property may never now be inherited by your Children for a number of reasons. The risks come from a re-marriage, debt, local authority care fees or even death.

Lasting Power of Attorney

Lasting Power of Attorney

A ‘LPA’ is a powerful tool that enables you to give your partner, children, sibling or close friend the power to ‘be you’ in the eyes of the law. If you consider a Will as your wishes in death, the ‘LPA’ handles your wishes while you are still alive, but unable to make decisions for yourself. There are many reasons why this might be the case, such as dementia, physical disability, an accident that leaves you incapacitated or even just a broken leg that stops you being able to go to the local bank!

Vulnerable Persons Trust

Vulnerable Persons Trust

A ‘VPT’ specifically deals with inheritance being left for a disabled person, someone requiring care and in receipt of financial support from the state. The key issue with this inheritance is that it will have a direct effect on their state benefits, and in some cases will mean them being stopped completely.